Dan scored a vehicle. His name Martin. He is a 1999 Mazda 323. He is a Silver Fox and just the right size. He is an automatic. For now, he is our sole vehicle.
Martin, the Beast, as I call him.
Dan is the only family member who has been driving Martin. I did pass my (written-only) drivers exam and that awarded me a license. (insert hyena laugh here) I am scared. Terrified. Intimidated.
WHEN I drag my bum into the right-hand driver's seat, I will take charge like I am owning the S Curve on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago, because really, that is the ONLY way I see fit to drive "this" way.
Saturday we lunched with another American family. Kids older than ours, sadly not old enough to babysit, but they were sweet and inclusive of Lincoln and Dempsey as the food was being prepared.
After lunch, we strolled around and checked out a spot called The Beehive. Super quaint and welcoming.
Then we stumbled upon some graffiti which read, "Beastie." The boys went nuts. For, we united as a family, LOVE the Beastie Boys. (it is music if ANYONE reading this does not know...)
Hit the park for playtime, ordered in Indian food and chilled on the couch.
Sunday we were invited by another very sweet, welcoming family to go swimming at the public indoor pool. Pools were heated and VERY fun! Dempsey swam with NO FLOATY, because he is a big boy about to start full-day school! We crushed the pool for 2 solid hours, (no Adult Swim here!) and then dipped out to go get a late lunch. Italian was dialed up as we dined in the sunny spacioud spot near our flat. It was fresh and super yummy.
Monday the boys started morning multi-active sports camp. They were excited to go and although we walked the long-way-round to get there in the rain with no umbrellas, (Mommy FAIL) no tears flowed as I registered them and dipped out.
My new friend Laura graciously gave me a ride as her kids were attending camp as well. We hit the grocery here then went to an American Coffee Morning, which is held once a month for Americans who live here in Cheltenham.
Super inviting and a bunch of mums and their lads hanging out.
Scooped the boys from camp and came to find that Lincoln was crying for the first hour of camp. He exclaimed that he was NOT going back to camp. He was done. He had missed me so much and was mad to have been trapped inside the gym due to the rain. The afternoon was greased over with french fries (chips) and a banana milkshake to try and steer him back to camp.
Up until bedtime, Lincoln was committed to not returning to camp. Tuesday morning at 3:00am, Lincoln woke me up to remind me of his decision. Tuesday's 7:00am alarm brought the same threat from Lincoln. I pleaded with him to just get dressed and we would walk Dempsey to camp. I promised nothing else. As we walked in the sunshine to camp, early drop-off's were running outside on the turf playing football (soccer) and throwing up parachutes. Laughter and bubbly smiles, not rain, welcomed the boys. Lincoln looked at me and said, "you can go, Mom," and I kissed those boys swiftly and ducked out. Did a 2 hour power walk and explored the town. Made it home and started searching for some more homes to hopefully consider.
Wednesday Dan did not have to work as we had 3 more showings lined up for possible lodging.
A supposedly haunted farm home that was about 25 minutes outside of Cheltenham was first up.
It was amazing, but the garden would require MUCH maintenance, the commute to and from school and Dan's office would stink, and being out there solo sometimes with ghosts, no thank you. It was hard to say no to the details in the home, the club-footed tubs, the nostalgic mini doors, the hardware, the exposed wooden beams, the ladder up to a secret play spot the boys would have gone ga-ga over...but it was not our house.
We saw 2 more homes about 2 blocks of each other and the last one we saw was IT.
SO much light, fully renovated and an attached apartment with full kitchen, full bath and separate entry to the home. Perfect for guests! (HINT HINT!)
The intersection does not stink either:
Old school vintage door bell that you pull a lever down and fruit trees in the garden. SOLD.
We scooped the boys together after camp and immediately took them to see the house. They approved and sealed the deal. We move in mid September!
Thursday I took myself for a capuccino and avocado toast with poached eggs then did my walk. Boys had a great day again at camp then we got a lift to a playdate of Lincoln's grade. There are 2 classes and Rachel, the host, put out the red carpet for the gathering.. Bouncy castle, hot dogs, (sausages) lemonades, and ice cream sundaes. Met many sweet mums again and so many British-accent-clad, rosy-cheeked kids. I hung with the hostess' mum mostly. Hanging with a local Grandma was enlightening and informative. She filled me in on what lays ahead for me being new to Cheltenham. Superbly sweet and made me feel cozy to be among an extra generation of women.
Friday was the last day of camp and to celebrate, I walked the boys to a steak and chips lunch followed by milkshakes, vanilla for Lincoln and strawberry for Dempsey.
I got invited out for pints with the Georgia blonde who leads a group of women who work out in the park across from our flat. We walked together to an amazing spot that was filled with all sorts of beers and it is not far from our new digs. I walked home in the rain, as it was my goal to make it home before the kids went to bed. Dan had taken the boys out for dinner and grabbed us Take Away so we settled in to the flick A Fish Called Wanda and dinner.
Saturday we woke up, fixed breakfast then drove to Sudeley Castle. It was crisp out and we wandered around and took it all in. I am now fascinated with Katherine Parr, King Henry VIII's 6th wife. They had a superb play area that the boys dominated until the ole rain came down to gently send us on our way.
My U.K. life does not suck.